brown fat

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) or brown fat makes up the adipose organ together with white adipose tissue (or white fat).

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Brown fat boosts exercise performance and promotes healthy longevity - EurekAlert

Unlocking the Power of Brown Fat: New Research Reveals Weight Loss Secrets

Brown fat: How cells generate heat by burning calories

UCLA Discovers Weight Loss Game-Changer: Stimulating Brown Fat To Fight Obesity

Surrounding tumours with brown fat could starve them of nutrients

Daylight hours impact opioid receptor levels in brown fat

Energy-Burning Brown Fat Less Active in Boys With Obesity – Discovery May Lead to New Treatments

Energy-burning brown fat less active in boys with obesity

Secretin hormone induces satiation by activating brown fat

Secretin hormone induces satiation by activating brown fat

Giving brown fat a boost to fight type 2 diabetes

Giving brown fat a boost to fight type 2 diabetes

Pain receptors linked to the generation of energy-burning brown fat cells

Pain receptors linked to the generation of energy-burning brown fat cells

Masonic Medical Research Institute develops new technology for studying brown fat

Brown Fat May Protect against Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

Study of Over 50,000 People Links Brown Fat With Better Health Outcomes

Study of Over 50,000 People Links Brown Fat With Better Health Outcomes

Study of 50,000 people finds brown fat may protect against numerous chronic diseases