Brown Dwarfs

Brown dwarfs are substellar objects that are not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion of ordinary hydrogen into helium in their cores, unlike a main-sequence star. Instead, they have a mass between the most massive gas giant planets and the least massive stars, approximately 13 to 80 times that of Jupiter. However, they can fuse deuterium, and the most massive ones can fuse lithium. Astronomers classify self-luminous objects by spectral class, a distinction intimately tied to the surface temperature, and brown dwarfs occupy types M, L, T, and Y. As brown dwarfs do not undergo stable hydrogen fusion, they cool down over time, progressively passing through later spectral types as they age. Despite their name, to the naked eye, brown dwarfs would appear in different colors depending on their temperature. The warmest ones are possibly orange or red, while cooler brown dwarfs would likely appear magenta to the human eye.

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Webb Focuses on Flame Nebula’s Brown Dwarfs

What Makes Brown Dwarfs So Weird?

What Makes Brown Dwarfs So Weird?

What Makes Brown Dwarfs So Weird?

The Webb Discovers a Rich Population of Brown Dwarfs Outside the Milky Way

The Webb Discovers a Rich Population of Brown Dwarfs Outside the Milky Way

The Webb Discovers a Rich Population of Brown Dwarfs Outside the Milky Way

Gliese 229B is Actually Compact Pair of Brown Dwarfs, Astronomers Find

Alien weather report: James Webb Space Telescope detects hot, sandy wind on 2 brown dwarfs

First time brown dwarfs seen so near host stars - EurekAlert

The Chaotic Birth of Brown Dwarfs Revealed

JWST Accidentally Found 21 Brown Dwarfs

JWST Accidentally Found 21 Brown Dwarfs

Astronomers Confirm First Exoplanet "Thermometer Molecule" that is Typically Used to Study Brown Dwarfs

Webb targets from October 12th to 16th include: brown dwarfs, Epimetheus (AKA Janus, a moon of Saturn) and more

Ground-Breaking Number of Brown Dwarfs Discovered

Citizen Scientist Discovers 34 New Ultracool Brown Dwarfs

Sand clouds are common in atmospheres of brown dwarfs

A New Technique Finds a Bundle of Brown Dwarfs

Ground-breaking number of brown dwarfs discovered