Brood X

Brood X, the Great Eastern Brood, is one of 15 broods of periodical cicadas that appear regularly throughout the eastern United States. It has the greatest range and concentration of any of the 17-year cicadas.

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Roar of cicadas was so loud, it was picked up by fiber-optic cables. Brood X made itself known in a way that could change how we monitor insect populations.

Cicada science heats up when Brood X emerges. 2021 was no exception

Brood X cicadas light up national weather radar as U.S. grapples with swarms: "We were getting over 2,000 a day"

Some Brood X cicadas will be sex-crazed zombies with disintegrating butts

Can dogs eat cicadas? Brood X cicadas make a meal for these pups, birds, and squirrels.

Finding those delightful Brood X cicadas: Here's how

Experience the life cycle of Brood X, from emergence to death.

Brood X Cicadas Are Emerging at Last

Brood X Cicadas Are Emerging at Last

Brood X Cicadas Could Cause a Bird Baby Boom

What are Brood X cicadas?