breast cancer

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AI’s Breast Cancer Blind Spots Exposed by New Study

Reduced risk of breast cancer following bariatric surgery in women with hyperinsulinemia - EurekAlert

In Reversal, Expert Panel Recommends Breast Cancer Screening at 40

Exploring the role of seven key genes in breast cancer: insights from in silico and in vitro analyses - EurekAlert

The Lancet: Many people with breast cancer 'systematically left behind' due to inaction on inequities and hidden suffering - EurekAlert

In the fight against breast cancer, researchers identify malignancy hibernation as the next battleground

New biosensor can detect breast cancer in just five seconds using saliva — for just $5

Turning Off Metastasis in Breast Cancer

Scientists Discover How Breast Cancer Outsmarts Starvation

Hand-held biosensor makes breast cancer screening fast, affordable, and accurate

Strongest contender in decades in fight against breast cancer

Two Glasses of Milk a Day Linked to 70–80% Increase in Breast Cancer in Women

Early detection of breast cancer: Study confirms the effectiveness of a new approach

Decoding the Paradox: White Blood Cells As Double Agents in Breast Cancer

Early life gene epimutation may cause breast cancer

Blood hormone levels key to identifying which post-menopausal women will benefit most from taking anastrozole to prevent breast cancer

Side-effect avoiding treatment shows early promise against breast cancer in mice

Anastrozole: Thousands to be offered drug to prevent breast cancer in England

Higher risk of breast cancer in women with false positive mammography result

Breast cancer is deadlier for Black women. A study of mammograms could help close the gap