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Gene Editing Breakthrough: CRISPR Improves Vision in Clinical Trial

Breakthrough in hemostasis and wound healing research

Supercharging immune cells to battle blood cancer: Breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy - EurekAlert

Breakthrough paves the way for next generation of vision implants

Breakthrough paves the way for next generation of vision implants - EurekAlert

Quantum breakthrough: World’s purest silicon - EurekAlert

Breakthrough in sustainable syngas production from greenhouse gases using solar energy - EurekAlert

Breakthrough 6G antenna could lead to high-speed communications and holograms

Breakthrough in complex pain management

Breakthrough in brown fat research: Researchers have found brown fat's 'off-switch'

Breakthrough in brown fat research: Researche - EurekAlert

Atomic nucleus excited with laser: a breakthrough after decades - EurekAlert

Breakthrough: Rare Gene Mutation Offers Clues to Preventing Type 1 Diabetes

Laser technology offers breakthrough in detecting illegal ivory

Unlocking Avian Secrets: Scientists Create Breakthrough 93-Million-Year Bird Family Tree

Laser technology offers breakthrough in detecting illegal ivory - EurekAlert

Breakthrough in Bioinformatics: AI Predicts Cell Type Transformations

Breakthrough in benzofuran synthesis: New method enables complex molecule creation - EurekAlert

Breakthrough promises secure quantum computing at home

Quantum breakthrough when light makes materials magnetic