brain cells

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Some brain cells age faster and are more prevalent in Alzheimer's

Using MRI, engineers have found a way to detect light deep in the brain. The new technique could enable detailed studies of how brain cells develop and communicate with each other.

Every New Memory You Make Causes Damage to Your Brain Cells

Protecting brain cells with cannabinol

Protecting brain cells with cannabinol - EurekAlert

Shape Changes in Brain Cells Could Play a Critical Role in Middle-Age Spread

Aging And Schizophrenia Share Striking Similarities in 2 Types of Brain Cells

Alzheimer’s may be caused by a build-up of fat in brain cells

Alzheimer's may be caused by immune cells thinking brain cells are bacteria, expert says

The Missing Puzzle Piece: Neuroscientists Discover New Group of Brain Cells

Are stressed-out brain cells the root cause of neurodegenerative disease?

New technology lets researchers track brain cells' 'off switches'

Unraveling Memory’s Molecular Mystery: How Brain Cells Stabilize Information Over Time

Surprisingly simple model explains how brain cells organize and connect

Molecular Espionage: How Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Invades Brain Cells

Study reveals clues to how Eastern equine encephalitis virus invades brain cells

Alzheimer's discovery reveals dire effect of toxic tau protein on brain cells

The pedigree of brain cells

Brain cells activated by stress may also give you a bad night's sleep

Marmosets swap brain cells with their siblings