Giving Up Your Phone For Just 3 Days Can Reshape Your Brain Activity
Anorexia Patients Reveal a Distinct Pattern in Their Brain Activity
New MRI Study Reveals How Cannabis Alters Brain Activity and Weakens Memory
These Temporary Electronic Tattoos Can Measure Your Brain Activity
Babies' brain activity changes dramatically before and after birth, groundbreaking study finds
Temporary scalp tattoo can be used to record brain activity
Cannabis disrupts brain activity in young adults prone to psychosis
Finding love: Study reveals where love lives in the brain, « We now provide a more comprehensive picture of the brain activity associated with different types of love than previous research. »
Cats have brain activity recorded with the help of crocheted hats
Revolutionary Two-Photon Microscope Captures Brain Activity in Real-Time
Brain activity associated with specific words is mirrored between speaker and listener during a conversation - EurekAlert
Brain activity associated with specific words is mirrored between speaker and listener during a conversation
New research identifies less invasive method for examining brain activity following traumatic brain injury
AI can identify a child's sex based on their brain activity
AI reads brain activity to reveal what part of a movie you're watching
Taoist meditation alters resting brain activity, study finds
Social media use and sleep duration connected to brain activity in teens
Brain activity seems to be more complex in baby girls than boys
A flexible microdisplay can monitor brain activity in real-time during brain surgery
A flexible microdisplay can monitor brain activity in real-time during brain surgery - EurekAlert