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Green Energy Is Getting a Boost from Iceland’s Melting Ice

Grafted cucumbers get a boost: pumpkin's secret to withstanding salinity - EurekAlert

Boost for research aiming to cure chronic diseases in an aging population - EurekAlert

Giving local business a 'boost' with national lab technology - EurekAlert

Global push to put natural history collections online gets major U.K. boost

Caffeine coating gives fuel cells a boost

Giving particle detectors a boost

Sustainable batteries get a boost from new lithium-ion conductor

A Boost in Dopamine During Adolescence Permanently Amplifies Impulsivity and Aggression

Wildfire Science Gets a Boost from Worried Insurance Companies

$557,000 Boost – Next-Generation Spinal Fusion Goes “Meta”

Groundbreaking Superconducting “Miracle” Receives $2.96 Million Boost

NIH advisory group recommends $14,000 boost in postdoc pay

Wasabi, beloved on sushi, linked to "really substantial" boost in memory, Japanese study finds

AI gives a boost to the quest to develop new materials

Pearl Harbor: Bombed battleships' boost for climate science