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Trove of Ancient Axes Shows Early Humans Made Tools From Bones

Tally of bones, artifacts reveals 2000 years of population swings among Indigenous Americans

Dog-Like Predator's Bones Belong to Oldest Known Mammal Relative

Living Material Made From Blood Can Repair Bones, Study Shows

The discovery of Stone Age needles made from the bones of foxes, cats and other small carnivores reveals details about how prehistoric humans survived in cold climes

Early North Americans Made Needles from Bones of Canids, Felids and Hares, Archaeologists Say

Shells, teeth and bones of 'weird and wonderful organisms' provide historical environmental clues

Early skeleton map reveals how bones form in humans - EurekAlert

A bizarre skeleton from a Roman grave has bones from seven people

A bizarre skeleton from a Roman grave has bones from eight people

Bones from Tudor Mary Rose shipwreck suggest handedness might affect collarbone chemistry

Breastfeeding should take a toll on bones. A brain hormone may protect them

3D-printed egg shells can help bones regrow

Bones reveal first evidence of Down syndrome in Neanderthals

No bones about it: 100-million-year-old bones reveal new species of pterosaur

No bones about it: 100-million-year-old bones reveal new species of pterosaur - EurekAlert

‘It’s really a horror.’ Bones from across Europe suggest Stone Age ritual killings

Bones Reveal Bog Man's Secret Life Before His Violent End in a Foreign Land

Green Spaces May Have a Powerful Effect on The Bones of Children

45,000-Year-Old Tools And Bones Reveal Earliest Evidence of Homo Sapiens in Eastern Asia