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This Worm Can Regrow Its Body by Reversing to a Stem Cell-Like State

A Single Tea Bag Could Release Billions of Microplastics Into The Body

Here's What Your Snot's Color Could Be Telling You About Your Body

Building a backbone: Scientists recreate the body's 'GPS system' in the lab

Research into new therapies: How the body's natural killer cells could fight leukemia - EurekAlert

Building a backbone: Scientists recreate the body's 'GPS system' in the lab

Building a backbone: scientists recreate the body’s ‘GPS system’ in the lab - EurekAlert

What Spicy Food Really Does to Your Body (and Why You Might Crave It)

Human ancestors lost most of their body fur 3 to 4 million years ago and did not don clothing until 83,000 to 170,000 years ago, meaning that for over 2.5 million years, early humans and their ancestors were simply naked, and that most illustrations of them reflect modern shame about nudity

Noninvasive imaging method can penetrate deeper into living tissue. Using high-powered lasers, this new method could help biologists study the body’s immune responses and develop new medicines.

Researchers discover zip code that allows proteins to hitch a ride around the body

New insights about how 'bad' cholesterol works in the body

Mesopotamians Felt Emotions in Strange Parts of Their Body, Study Finds

'Missing link' between brain and body inflammatory signals identified in the skull

Drinking Cocoa May Protect Your Body From Fatty Foods And Stress

Future wearable devices could draw power through your body using background 6G cellphone signals

Revolutionary Training Method Boosts Brain and Body Performance in Older Adults

Re-engineering where body meets machine

A little bit of fear can bring down levels of inflammation in the body

CNIC scientists discover a key mechanism in fat cells that protects the body against energetic excess - EurekAlert