blue lurker

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Hubble Discovers “Blue Lurker” Spinning So Fast, It’s Breaking Astronomers’ Models

Colliding Stars, Stellar Siphoning, and a now a “Blue Lurker.” This Star System has Seen it All

Colliding Stars, Stellar Siphoning, and a now a "Blue Lurker." This Star System has Seen it All

Colliding Stars, Stellar Siphoning, and a now a "Blue Lurker." This Star System has Seen it All

An ancient 3-star system give this 'blue lurker' a turbo boost, Hubble Space Telescope reveals

NASA's Hubble tracks down a 'blue lurker' among stars - EurekAlert

NASA's Hubble tracks down a 'blue lurker' among stars

NASA’s Hubble Tracks Down a ‘Blue Lurker’ Among Stars