
A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure, conceived by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970, that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set.

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Tiny copper 'flowers' bloom on artificial leaves for clean fuel production

Tiny copper ‘flowers’ bloom on artificial leaves for clean fuel production - EurekAlert

From winter's rest to spring's bloom: PmDAM6 gene steers plant bud dormancy - EurekAlert

Watch the Full Pink Moon 2024 bloom in the night sky tonight

Satellites Reveal Sheer Size of Record-Breaking Algae Bloom Approaching Florida

Unpredictable cherry blossom bloom underscores climate change concerns

A giant seaweed bloom that can be seen from space threatens beaches in Florida and Mexico

How flowering plants beat bloom-free gymnosperms to world dominance

Kyoto's cherry blossoms are reaching full bloom 11 days earlier

Stronger materials could bloom with new images of plastic flow

Gigantic Plankton Bloom Larger Than Australia Spawned by Intense Bushfire Blazes

Bacterial bloom as the Earth thawed: Photosynthetic organisms during the Snowball Earth

China's covid-19 lockdowns brought forward spring bloom by eight days

This Colombian Scientist Is Unlocking The Genetic Secrets Of How Orchids Bloom

More Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts Emerge Amid Rising Seafood Demand and Coastal Development

UN: More harmful algal bloom impacts emerge amid rising seafood demand, coastal development

Surge in nitrogen has turned sargassum into the world's largest harmful algal bloom

Toxic “Dead Zone” – Surge in Nitrogen Has Turned Sargassum Into the World’s Largest Harmful Algal Bloom

Surge in nitrogen has turned sargassum into the world's largest harmful algal bloom

NASA Satellite Captures Stunning Mid-Atlantic Phytoplankton Bloom