
Blood is a body fluid in the circulatory system of humans and other vertebrates that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells, and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

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Powered by Blood: Innovative Chip Provides Real-Time Health Monitoring

Drinking Blood? Bronze Age Cauldrons Tell New Tales of Ancient Mongolian Cuisine

The Blood of Exceptionally Long-Lived People Reveals Crucial Differences

Bartonella DNA Found in Blood of Patients With Psychosis

Ancient Cauldrons Were Used For Collecting Blood, Scientists Discover

New Model Could Finally Predict How Blood And Other Weird Fluids Flow

A blood sampling device inspired by leeches

RNA inhibitor is shown safe and effective in reducing a wide range of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood in ... - EurekAlert

A blood hepatocellular carcinoma signature recognizes very small tumor nodules with metastatic traits - EurekAlert

Blood, sweat and water: new paper analytical devices track health and environment - EurekAlert

Proteins in blood could warn of cancer seven years before diagnosis, scientists find | UK News

New molecule mimics the anti-clotting action of blood-sucking organisms - EurekAlert

New molecule mimics the anti-clotting action of blood-sucking organisms

A Single Drop of Blood Could Soon Reveal Your Risk of Developing MS

Dice snakes fake their own death, smearing themselves with blood and poop to make the performance extra convincing

Fluidic systems resembling blood vascular tissues: Artificial blood vessels and biomedicine

Who should receive preventive treatment for TB? Individuals of all ages with positive skin or blood test

Biomarkers in blood to predict liver cancer

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: changes in gut microbiota and blood lipids - EurekAlert

Blood-based multi-omics guided detection of a precancerous pancreatic tumor - EurekAlert