Black Holes

A rotating black hole is a black hole that possesses angular momentum.

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Stupendously large: How big can black holes get?

There were more black holes in the early universe than we thought, research finds

Did dark matter help black holes grow to monster sizes in the infant cosmos?

XRISM’s X-Ray Insights Uncover the Hidden Structures of Black Holes and Supernovas

Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade

Researchers Mimic Extracting Energy From Black Holes in the Lab

Entire Swarm of Black Holes Detected Moving Through The Milky Way

The Early Universe Had a Lot of Black Holes

Hubble finds more black holes than expected in the early universe

NASA’s Hubble finds more black holes than expected in the early universe - EurekAlert

More black holes than expected in the early universe

NASA’s Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe

Black Holes Unleash Powerful Jets of Plasma, And Now We Can Replicate Them

These 2 monster black holes may be the closest pair ever discovered in visible and X-ray light (video)

Readers discuss black holes’ trippy effects on time, banned swimsuits

The Surprising Source of Radiation Coming From Black Holes

Some black holes have a 'heartbeat' — and astronomers may finally know why

Quantum Thermodynamics: Black Holes Might Not Be What We Thought

Black Holes and the Supercomputers That Reveal Their Secrets

How Did Black Holes Get So Big, So Fast? The Answer Lies in the Dark