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Black Hole Jets Seen Forming in Real-Time

Astronomers observe real-time formation of black hole jets for the first time - EurekAlert

Astronomers observe real-time formation of black hole jets for the first time

Astronomers observe real-time formation of black hole jets for the first time | While the largest plasma jets extend well beyond their host galaxies and last millions of years, scientists are gaining understanding of a new class of smaller, shorter-lived jets called “compact symmetric objects.”

Astronomers investigate black hole jets with Event Horizon Telescope

Faster Than Light? How X-Rays Unravel Mysteries of Black Hole Jets

Largest-Ever Pair of Black Hole Jets Stretches 23 Million Light-Years

Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions

Astronomers Discovered the Biggest Pair of Black Hole Jets Ever, and It's the Stuff of Cosmic Horro

Meet Porphyrion, the largest pair of black hole jets ever seen

Matter/Antimatter Black Hole Jets Recreated in CERN’s Laboratory

Cosmic Cannons: Astrophysicists Shed New Light on Black Hole Jets

Einstein’s Twist: Princeton Astrophysicists Unravel the Mystery of Black Hole Jets and Galactic “Lightsabers”