
Childbirth, also known as labour and delivery, is the completion of pregnancy where one or more babies exits the internal environment of the mother via vaginal delivery or caesarean section.

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Maxine Singer, Guiding Force at the Dawn of Biotechnology, Dies at 93

Massive radio telescope array investigates the birth of planets around twin stars

Women who experience depression during pregnancy or after birth have higher risk of cardiovascular disease

Women who experience depression during pregnancy or after birth have higher risk of cardiovascular disease - EurekAlert

First week after birth is critical for development of senses

Omega-3 therapy prevents birth-related brain injury in newborn rodents

Witnessing Cosmic Dawn: Webb Captures Birth of Universe’s Earliest Galaxies for First Time

Babies babble squeals and growls in clustering patterns observable from birth through the first year, suggesting this ... - EurekAlert

NASA's Webb reveals "sparkling" birth of universe's earliest galaxies

Birth of universe's earliest galaxies observed for first time

Cosmic Geode: Hubble Captures the Birth of a Sun-like Star

Birth by C-section more than doubles odds of measles vaccine failure

Monster galactic outflow powered by exploding stars. Star death and birth both contribute to driving material out of a galaxy.

Timing Is Everything: Squid Birth Dates Influence Love Strategies

QUIONE: Announcing the birth of a unique analog quantum processor in the world - EurekAlert

Giant planets ran amok soon after Solar System’s birth

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy increase risk of cardiovascular death after giving birth

Chicks show vision and touch linked at birth

Pregnancy Increases Biological Age, but Giving Birth Changes it Back

Pregnancy advances our biological age, but giving birth turns it back