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What makes birds so smart?

Pet parrots prefer live video-calls over watching pre-recorded videos of other birds

How Do Birds Flock? Researchers Reveal Previously Unknown Aerodynamic Phenomenon

From disorder to order: flocking birds and “spinning” particles - EurekAlert

Noise pollution can harm birds even before they hatch

How do birds flock? Researchers do the math to reveal previously unknown aerodynamic phenomenon

How do birds flock? Researchers do the math to reveal previously unknown aerodynamic phenomenon - EurekAlert

How evolution has optimized the magnetic sensor in birds - EurekAlert

Songs that birds 'sing' in their dreams translated into sound

Scientists Translate Vocal Muscle Activity of Birds during Sleep into Synthetic Songs

50 years ago, scientists wondered how birds find their way home

As the lakes that flamingos inhabit expand, the birds’ food supplies are rapidly shrinking

UNM scientists find blue light makes buildings more deadly to migrating birds - EurekAlert

What Birds’ Dreams Can Tell Us About Our Own

Birds make an 'after you' gesture to prompt their mate to enter nest

These Mobile Games are For the Birds

To improve tablet-based enrichment for parrots, new research investigates touchscreen ergonomics using bespoke gaming app for birds.

Birds Eat Poop A Lot, And Scientists Are Still Trying to Figure Out Why

Who knew that coprophagy was so vital for birds' survival?

These Birds Are National Symbols but Getting Harder to See