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Polygamy is (not) for the birds

Why Do Birds Make So Many Different Sounds? Here’s What Scientists Just Discovered

Why do birds make so many different sounds? A study gets at the underlying factors

From Birds to Humans: How Hidden Mutations Are Driving the H5N1 Crisis

Researchers use a powerful imaging technique to illuminate the colorful plumage of birds - EurekAlert

The flu virus currently circulating in birds and dairy cows is already better at infecting people than earlier variants, and a single mutation would allow it to bind to key human receptors

Island biodiversity rides on the wings of birds

Robotic pigeon reveals how birds fly without a vertical tail fin

Birds, bees and bats working together means more macadamia nuts - EurekAlert

More resources needed to protect birds in Germany - EurekAlert

Evolutionary paths vastly differ for birds, bats

More resources needed to protect birds in Germany

‘Aerial arms race’ with birds may have turned ancient cicadas into ace fliers

Birds Practice Singing in Their Sleep

What Flying in a Wind Tunnel Reveals About Birds

Birds Are Goofy Runners—And Dinosaurs Might Have Been, Too

'Space for Birds': Astronaut Roberta Bondar captures avian habitats from Earth, in air and on orbit in new book (interview)

Traces of Dinosaur Catastrophe Found in Genes of Today's Birds

Are birds flying atoms? - EurekAlert

60% of birds who survive collision with a bui - EurekAlert