Bird species

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Super Enzyme That Controls Testosterone Found in “Crazy” Bird Species

Super enzyme that regulates testosterone levels in males discovered in 'crazy' bird species

The inside story of heroic efforts to save three bird species

Four in five bird species cannot tolerate intense human pressures - EurekAlert

Four in five bird species cannot tolerate intense human pressures

Australia's most at-risk bird species share some common traits

Bird Species Decimated: Humans Responsible for 1,400 Extinctions, Double Previous Estimates

Humans May Have Driven Twice as Many Bird Species to Extinction as Previously Thought

Humans May Have Led to Extinction of At Least 1,300 Bird Species since Pleistocene: Study

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) says that it would be renaming some 70 to 80 bird species. The species that will get new names all have English bird names, and all were formerly named after people.

Bird species changing faster than expected in protected areas