biodiversity loss

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Biodiversity loss from 2010 oil spill worse than predicted - EurekAlert

A skin fungus has pushed 500+ amphibian species into decline, and 90+ extinct. Researchers say it's the biggest contributor to biodiversity loss of any disease or pathogen on record.

Conservation of nature's strongholds needed to halt biodiversity loss

Biodiversity loss is biggest driver of infectious disease outbreaks, says study | Environment

To bend the curve of biodiversity loss, nature recovery must be integrated across all sectors

To bend the curve of biodiversity loss, nature recovery must be integrated across all sectors - EurekAlert

First-of-its-kind study definitively shows that conservation actions are effective at halting and reversing biodiversity loss

First-of-its-kind study definitively shows that conservation actions are effective at halting and reversing biodiversity loss - EurekAlert

Scientists develop novel method to estimate biodiversity loss in Singapore over the past two centuries

Scientists outline a bold solution to climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice

Scientists outline a bold solution to climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice

Rewinding Nature: Revolutionary DNA “Time Machine” Reveals a Century of Biodiversity Loss

Protected nature reserves alone are insufficient for reversing biodiversity loss