The alt-right, an abbreviation of alternative right, is a far-right, white nationalist movement.
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We can farm more seafood while minimizing its impact on biodiversity
Biodiversity in England's rivers improved as metal pollution reduced
Biodiversity in England’s rivers improved as metal pollution reduced - EurekAlert
Rewilding is often championed, but could it be bad for biodiversity?
Scientist discovers 16 new grasshopper species, champions desert biodiversity - EurekAlert
New study assesses impact of agricultural research investments on biodiversity, land use - EurekAlert
New study assesses impact of agricultural research investments on biodiversity, land use
Burn grasslands to maintain them: What is good for biodiversity?
Promoting cacao production without sacrificing biodiversity
Biodiversity at risk in most rainforests
New Study Overturns Long-Standing Common Assumption About Biodiversity
Ecosystems: New study questions common assumption about biodiversity
'Biodiversity is not a luxury': Connection between wealth and ecosystem health
Biodiversity in the city: Designing urban spaces for humans and animals
How animal tracking data can help preserve biodiversity - EurekAlert
Are we missing the mark on biodiversity? 90% of countries ignore key behavior changes
Biodiversity increases nutrient availability - EurekAlert
Loss of ‘nitrogen fixers’ threatens biodiversity, ecosystems - EurekAlert
Loss of 'nitrogen fixers' threatens biodiversity, ecosystems
Genetic databases don’t fairly capture species richness of Global South, new data show