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How Much Does a Dog’s Breed Affect Its Health and Behavior?

How Alcohol Before Birth Alters Brain Wiring and Impacts Behavior for Life

Popular Weight Loss Drugs Could Affect Your Behavior: Scientists Conduct Genetic Investigation

Novel neuronal mechanism for stress induced alteration in behavior - EurekAlert

Emory researchers study the behavior of heart cells in space to find better treatment strategies on earth - EurekAlert

Inside Your Brain: How Emotional Words Drive Decisions and Behavior

Words activate hidden brain processes shaping emotions, decisions, and behavior - EurekAlert

Tiny microbe colonies communicate to coordinate their behavior

Watch a mesmerizing simulation of the sun’s behavior from NASA (video)

In step forward for quantum computing hardware, physicist uncovers novel behavior in quantum-driven superconductors

Research on bioacoustics becoming a popular scientific field, Examining acoustic signals, which tell a lot about the behavior of living species, is important for understanding and protecting biological diversity.

Stopping off-the-wall behavior in fusion reactors - EurekAlert

Stopping off-the-wall behavior in fusion reactors

New model advances understanding of stress–strain behavior in FRP-confined ultra-high-performance concrete - EurekAlert

All-night lights change the behavior of fish, even into the next generation

All-night lights change the behavior of fish, even into the next generation - EurekAlert

First visualization of valence electrons reveals fundamental nature of chemical bonding: « The behavior of the electrons in atoms is complex, forming electron orbitals that have different functions depending on their closeness to the nucleus. »

US Breakthrough in Nuclear Reactor Technology Unveils Plutonium Oxide’s Behavior at 3000 K - Stack Today

Pollution affect the growth and behavior of aquatic organisms

New insight Into behavior of electrons