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Bees and butterflies on the decline in western and southern North America - EurekAlert

Vanishing Pollinators: Unraveling the Decline of Bees and Butterflies

These stunning close-up photos offer a window onto the world of bees

A vaccine for bees has an unexpected effect

The bees of the future: how flies become the new climate heroes

Flowers may be big antennas for bees’ electrical signals

Bees can teach others to master complex tasks, and display a level of social learning traditionally thought exclusive to humans, scientists have found.

Bees use antennae to decode hive mates' dances in the dark

Bees need food up to a month earlier than provided by recommended pollinator plants

Bees Reveal a Human-Like Collective Intelligence We Never Knew Existed

Bee-2-Bee influencing: Bees master complex tasks through social interaction

New evidence shows UK solar parks can provide for bees and butterflies

Review: In ‘The Apiary,’ the Bees Have a Troubling Tale to Tell

What Do Bees’ Joy and Pain Really Tell Us About Insect Minds?

Why are bees making less honey? Study reveals clues in five decades of data

Bees are still being harmed despite tightened pesticide regulations

Flower power on Indian farms helps bees and boosts livelihoods

“Mummified” Bees From the Time of the Pharaohs Discovered in Portugal

The consciousness of bees: Experiments indicate that bees have surprisingly rich inner worlds

New study reveals that bees cannot taste even lethal levels of pesticides