
Beavis is a fictional character who serves as one of two teenage protagonists from the MTV animated series Beavis and Butt-Head. He is voiced by the show's creator, Mike Judge. Beavis has blonde hair which he wears in an oversized pompadour style, a pronounced underbite, and an obsessive stare and speaks in a hoarse voice along with his trademark giggle. He is nearly always seen in profile, rather than looking directly at the camera. He is usually seen wearing a Metallica T-shirt, though in merchandising appearances his shirt displays the slogan "Death Rock" to avoid licensing issues. In the episode "Give Blood", he wears a Slayer shirt, while in the Christmas special "It's a Miserable Life" Beavis is seen wearing a Winger shirt during the alternate reality section of the episode. He is slightly shorter than his best friend Butt-Head, although he appears taller from a distance due to his hairstyle.

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'Beavis And Butt-head Do The Universe' trailer launches cartoon 'icons' across space (and time)