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Low-frequency photonic simulator breaks barriers in synthetic frequency dimensions - EurekAlert
Add Astronaut Nutrition to the List of Barriers to Long-Duration Spaceflight
Barriers prevent everyone enjoying nature equally
Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) face barriers to medical school admission, study finds - EurekAlert
IOP Publishing study reveals varied adoption and barriers in open data sharing among physical research communities - EurekAlert
Scientists Develop New Molecular Strategies To Break the Barriers of Electronic Miniaturization
John McFall Is Breaking Barriers as the World’s First Parastronaut
Nano-Enhanced Sodium Carbonate Breaks Barriers in Carbon Capture
Barriers complicate exercise for disability community - EurekAlert
Barriers designed to prevent saltwater intrusion may worsen inland flooding
Barriers designed to prevent saltwater intrusion may worsen inland flooding - EurekAlert
Eileen Collins Broke Barriers as America’s First Female Space Shuttle Commander
To avoid sea level rise, some researchers want to build barriers around the world’s most vulnerable glaciers
A Global Heat Early Warning system is now essential, and requires planning in four key areas to overcome barriers and ... - EurekAlert
Grant supports research to identify barriers to health care for Black women - EurekAlert
Breaking down barriers: ROCK2 inhibition facilitates drug delivery in fibrotic pancreatic cancer - EurekAlert
Spanish-language content for lung cancer patients helps break down barriers to care - EurekAlert
Overcoming barriers to heat pump adoption in cold climates and avoiding the 'energy poverty trap'
Just-departed head of DOE science wing discusses successes and barriers
Barriers against Antarctic ice melt disappearing at the double