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Planetary Solvency – finding our balance with nature. Global risk management for human prosperity

A Balance of Gut Bacteria Could Play a Crucial Role in How MS Develops

Recent ISS findings address drug stability in space and astronaut balance after spaceflight

Shari Miller: Keeping the Mission and the Environment In Balance

VR subway experiment highlights role of sound in disrupting balance for people with inner ear disorder

VR subway experiment highlights role of sound in disrupting balance for people with inner ear disorder - EurekAlert

Mice tails whip up new insights into balance and neurodegenerative disease research

Mice tails whip up new insights into balance and neurodegenerative disease research - EurekAlert

'Precipitation, the source of all fresh water, can no longer be relied upon': Global water cycle pushed out of balance 'for 1st time in human history'

The system that moves water around the Earth is off balance for the first time in human history

Scientists Warn of Irreversible Damage in 2024 Climate Report – “The Future of Humanity Hangs in the Balance”

Virginia Tech researchers publish real-time data to understand what happens when people lose their balance - EurekAlert

Real-time data shows what happens when people lose their balance

Virginia Tech researchers publish real-time data to understand what happens when a person loses their balance - EurekAlert

A cell biologist is investigating the balance of brain flexibility, stability

Saturn’s Energy is Out of Balance

Saturn's Energy is Out of Balance

University of Cincinnati study: Signaling pathway in brain helps maintain balance, prevent cognitive deficit - EurekAlert

Treatment for autoimmune disorder acts on balance of immune cell types

Treatment for autoimmune disorder acts on balance of immune cell types - EurekAlert