Scientists capture rare footage of baby polar bears emerging from dens
More sunshine as a baby linked to less disease activity for children with MS
Maternal stress during pregnancy could leave traces in the placenta that could affect the baby's development
JWST Reveals Actively Forming Early Galaxy, Lightweight as a Baby Milky Way
'Baby' exoplanet, equivalent to 2-week-old infant, is the youngest alien world ever spotted — and it's orbiting a wonky star
'Baby' Planet Is One of The Youngest Ever Detected, Astronomers Say
A Surgeon Warned People to Never Kiss a Baby. This Is Why.
Having a baby on Mars? You may be in for a difficult time
Mother's gut bacteria shown to influence baby's brain development
Low Sugar in Baby's First 1,000 Days Reduces Chronic Disease Risk, Wartime Study Finds
Experts say there is a scientific explanation as to why human beings are attracted to pandas. They have baby-like qualities and that triggers something in our brains that makes us want to cuddle and protect them.
Could Folic Acid Be the Key to Protecting Your Baby From Lead and Autism?
Coffee during pregnancy safe for baby's brain development, study suggests
New Study Debunks Myths: Coffee During Pregnancy Safe for Baby’s Brain Development
Pregnancy overhauls the brain. Here’s what that looks like
Is Your Baby’s Food As Healthy as You Think? Study Unveils Shocking Nutritional Deficits
'Cry It Out' Sleep Training Won’t Hurt a Parent or Baby. Bad Sleep Will
Baby-led weaning makes little nutritional difference vs spoon-feeding
Does baby-led weaning meet nutritional needs? - EurekAlert
Pink dolphins spotted with baby from completely different species in 'mystery' encounter