
Avian influenza, also known as avian flu, is a bird flu caused by the influenza A virus, which can infect people.

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New study confirms mammal-to-mammal avian flu spread

Birds need entertainment during avian flu lockdowns

Huge amounts of bird-flu virus found in raw milk of infected cows. New findings point to the milking process as a possible route of avian-influenza spread between cows — and from cow to human.

Auburn biologists publish first work on avian migration conducted in the AU MitoMobile - EurekAlert

Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Flu Detected in New York City Wild Birds

Unlocking Avian Secrets: Scientists Create Breakthrough 93-Million-Year Bird Family Tree

Lasers, Inflatable Dancers and the Fight to Fend Off Avian Flu

Avian influenza virus is adapting to spread to marine mammals

Europe Greenlights Two Avian Flu Vaccines

New understanding of avian eggshell attachment -- implications for medical procedures and egg industry

Antarctica's Penguins Could Be Devastated by Avian Influenza

Feathers from deceased birds help scientists understand new threat to avian populations

News at a glance: Avian flu, a gene-therapy setback, and an opera about a fraudulent researcher

Deadly avian flu reaches Galápagos Islands

Australia’s Avian Conservation Books Four-Pack For Kids — Reviews!

US will vaccinate birds against avian flu for first time — what researchers think

21 critically endangered California condors have died from avian flu

Irises of gannets that survive avian flu turn from blue to black, study finds

From bad to worse: How avian flu must change to trigger a human pandemic

Bald eagles aren't fledging as many chicks due to avian influenza