Speaking multiple languages may benefit children with autism
Brain connectivity deviations linked to social challenges in boys with autism
The crisis of access to early diagnosis of autism and emerging solutions - EurekAlert
New One-Minute Video Game Accurately Detects Autism in Kids
Giant study questions link between autism and maternal health
Scientists Just Debunked a Major Myth About Autism
Innovative one-minute video game boasts 80% success rate in diagnosing autism - EurekAlert
Innovative one-minute video game boasts 80% success rate in diagnosing autism. The tool, called the Computerized Assessment of Motor Imitation (CAMI), uses motion-tracking technology to detect differences in motor imitation skills.
Innovative one-minute video game boasts 80% success rate in diagnosing autism
Increased Toxicity Risk Identified For Children With Autism, ADHD
New Study Reveals Genetic Link Between Autism and Epilepsy
Breakthrough Discovery Links New Gene to Autism
Research Finds Vaccines Are Not Behind the Rise in Autism. So What Is?
Lithium as a potential therapeutic option for autism spectrum disorder treatment - EurekAlert
Genetic discovery links new gene to autism spectrum disorder
Scientists Discover Genetic Changes Linked to Autism, Schizophrenia
Newly discovered genetic variants linked to autism
Key breakthrough in autism: pivotal role of CPEB4 condensates revealed - EurekAlert
Study: CBD May Reverse Behavioral Impairments Linked to Autism
The Surprising Way Doctors Might Predict Autism, ADHD, and Speech Disorders in Newborns