
Australians, colloquially known as Aussies, are the citizens, nationals and individuals associated with the country of Australia. This connection may be residential, legal, historical or ethno-cultural. For most Australians, several of these connections exist and are collectively the source of their being Australian. Australian law does not provide for a racial or ethnic component of nationality, instead relying on citizenship as a legal status. Australians are colloquially referred to as Aussies. Australia has pursued an official policy of multiculturalism and has the world's eighth-largest immigrant population, with immigrants accounting for 30 percent of the population in 2019. Between European colonisation in 1788 and the Second World War, the vast majority of settlers and immigrants came from the British Isles, although there was significant immigration from China and Germany during the 19th century.

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Plasma lipids and glycaemic indices in Australians following plant-based diets versus a meat-eating diet

Did the First Australians Keep Dingoes as Pets?

Indigenous Australians have managed land with fire for 11,000 years

Archeologists Map Hidden Landscape Where The First Australians Emerged

Archaeologists map hidden NT landscape where first Australians lived more than 60,000 years ago

Remapping the superhighways travelled by the first Australians reveals a 10,000-year journey through the continent

Around 2,500 Australians Pose Naked For Skin Cancer Awareness

Australians clueless about their country's most endangered species

First Australians ate giant eggs of huge flightless birds, ancient proteins confirm

Wattle used for tools, food and medicine by Western Desert traditional owners for 50,000 years, study shows | Indigenous Australians

Aboriginal Australians in cities have dementia rates as high as those in rural areas

Plants Used by The First Australians Seem to Stop Cancer Cells Rejecting Treatment

Would Australians Not Eating Shark Meat Really Help White Sharks In South Africa? The Answer Is Complicated.

Precision medicine becomes more accessible for Australians with cancer

Mapping the 'superhighways' traveled by the first Australians

Mapping the 'superhighways' travelled by the first Australians