Earth’s Oldest Impact Crater Discovered in Australia

Scientists discover Earth's oldest impact crater in Australia

3.5 billion-year-old meteorite impact crater discovered in Australia

Record Discovery: Impact Crater in Australia's Outback Oldest by a Billion Years

3.47-Billion-Year-Old Impact Crater Discovered in Australia

Creativity boosts standardized literacy and numeracy test scores: Australia

New Species of Tree Frog Discovered in Australia

The bold plan to bring back Tasmanian devils across mainland Australia

90 Dolphins Stranded in Australia Are Being Euthanised. Here's Why They Can't Be Saved.

Paleontologists Find World’s Oldest Known Megaraptorid, Australia’s First Carcharodontosaur Fossils

120-Million-Year-Old Fossils in Australia Just Rewrote Dinosaur Evolution

How advanced drug discovery tech is fast-tracking new treatments in Australia - EurekAlert

Scientists in Australia have successfully produced the world's first kangaroo embryo through in vitro fertilization, or IVF. With this method, which may one day help save endangered species, many species will be saved from extinction.

DNA Confirms Orcas Prey Upon One of Australia's Deadliest Marine Predators

The cost of preventing extinction of Australia's priority species

The cost of preventing extinction of Australia’s priority species - EurekAlert

Discovery on Overdrive: Australia’s New Tech Uncovers Mysterious Signals From Deep Space

Study reveals the reasons women leave cyber security: bullying, 24/7 culture, pay gap. New research from RMIT University has investigated why women are under-represented in Australia’s cyber security workforce and why the few that do enter the sector, often end up leaving it.

Humans, not climate change, may have wiped out Australia’s giant kangaroos

Australia's extinction tally is worse than we thought