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Strange Bird-Like Behavior in Atoms: Researchers Unveil New Magnetic Properties in Quantum Systems

Physicists Create 'Impossible' Time Crystal by Blasting Atoms Into Balloons

Scientists Forge the World’s Thinnest Metallic Wire From Copper and Carbon Atoms

Atoms at temperatures beyond absolute zero may be a new form of matter

Just Three Atoms Thick – Scientists Have Developed the World’s Thinnest Lens

World's thinnest lens is just three atoms thick

Scientists propose a hunt for never-before-seen ‘tauonium’ atoms

Atoms squished closer together than ever before, revealing seemingly impossible quantum effects

Hide and seek between atoms: Find the dopant

Stunning image shows atoms transforming into quantum waves — just as Schrödinger predicted

The interference of many atoms, and a new approach to boson sampling - EurekAlert

Stilling the quantum dance of atoms

Physicists arrange atoms in extremely close proximity | The technique opens possibilities for exploring exotic states of matter and building new quantum materials

Physicists arrange atoms in extremely close proximity

Electrically Tunable Metasurfaces: Liquid Crystal Alignment by Dielectric Meta-Atoms

3D Positions of Atoms Mapped Precisely Using a Quantum Microscope

Umbrella for atoms: The first protective layer for 2D quantum materials

There may be a 'dark mirror' universe within ours where atoms failed to form, new study suggests

The smallest known molecular knot is made of just 54 atoms

Strange New Kind of Magnetism Found Lurking In Material Just Six Atoms Thick