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In a rare example of insect tool use, a species of assassin bug in Australia uses sticky resin from spinifex grass to help capture prey
Murder Mystery in the Marine World: Unmasking the Sea Urchin Assassin
Assassin bugs cover themselves in sticky plant resin to trap prey
Scientists Discover a Massacre: “Assassin” Cells Murder Innocent Cells
Assassin bugs tap spiders to distract them before a lethal strike
'Old murderer' bug died 50 million years ago, fossilized with its penis intact
A Surprise in a 50 Million-Year-Old Assassin Bug Fossil: Its Genitals
50 million-year-old fossil assassin bug has unusually well-preserved genitalia
Unusually Well-Preserved Genitalia on 50 Million-Year-Old Fossil Assassin Bug
Assassin's Creed Valhalla review: Vikings marauders become nice