ASA186 - EurekAlert

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Pickleball courts in a legal pickle #ASA186 - EurekAlert

AI-powered headphones filter only unwanted noise #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Noise survey highlights need for new direction at Canadian airports #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Spider silk sound system #ASA186 - EurekAlert

All wound up: A clearer look at electric guitar pickups #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Analyzing androgynous characteristics in an emperor penguin courtship call #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Making every hair appointment a sound experience #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Courtship through flute song in Indigenous Southern Plains culture #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Catch and release can give sea turtles the bends #ASA186 - EurekAlert

Intense ultrasound extracts genetic info for less invasive cancer biopsies #ASA186 - EurekAlert