The arts are a very wide range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling and cultural participation.
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The art of well-being: Group activities shown to ease depression and anxiety in older adults
NASA Open Data Turns Science Into Art
Apollo 12 left a piece of art on the moon.
2024 State-of-the-Art Small Spacecraft Technology Report is Released
When art imitates life's mathematics: Fractals and how we perceive trees - EurekAlert
Art Inspired by Exploration: NASA Unveils Architecture Art Challenge Winners
Mark SubbaRao Brings Data to Life Through Art
NASA Worm as Art
The art and science of twisting light - EurekAlert
A rich guide to the science of imagination also digs into art
Art Meets Exploration: Cosmic Connections in Galveston
SETI Institute launches Art and AI residency, unveils six nominees for innovative program - EurekAlert
NASA's Europa Clipper isn't just a spacecraft — it's a work of art
Mount Sinai opens state-of-the-art center for patients with complex conditions including Lyme disease and long COVID - EurekAlert
Book Review: Cryptography Is as Much an Art as a Science
Targeted immune intervention and stopping ART in model of SIV infection leads to control of viral replication and reservoirs
‘Art for insects’ could help save pollinators - EurekAlert
New book ‘Macroevolutionaries’ explores intersection of evolution, art and popular culture - EurekAlert
Merging Art and Analysis: The Collaborative Efforts Behind NASA Johnson’s Visual Legacy
Pioneering research sheds light on how babies and young children understand the art of pretense