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A Citrus-Scented Cannabis Compound Reduces Anxiety for Weed Users

Immune Cells: A Hidden Trigger for Anxiety, Depression, and Alzheimer’s Disease

Psychedelic toxins from toads could treat depression and anxiety

Brain Stimulation Shows Promise for Alleviating Depression and Anxiety

High Hopes: How d-Limonene Curbs the Anxiety of THC

Science Confirms Hugs Can Ease Pain, Anxiety, And Depression

Brain stimulation treatment may improve depression, anxiety in older adults

Anticipation and Anxiety Build Ahead of the Total Solar Eclipse

Anxiety, Bedtime and Mating: How Animals May React to the Eclipse

Banning smartphones is tempting but it won't solve anxiety in children

Anxiety really has increased over the past 10 years – but why?

What is eco-anxiety and how can we overcome it?

Is anxiety rising in children and if so, why?

The surprising benefits of anxiety and how you could harness them

The new evidence that explains what anxiety really is

Five scientific ways to help reduce feelings of anxiety

Why do some people experience anxiety more intensely than others?

The Secret to Anxiety in Young Women's Brains May Have Been Found

Treating anxiety, depression in people with heart disease reduced ER visits, hospitalizations

Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says