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Honeybees Defend Their Hive by Slapping Invading Ants

Ants are incredible navigators - let's celebrate their brilliance

Biologists discover human-infecting parasite produces sterile soldiers like ants and termites

Human-infecting parasite produces sterile soldiers like ants and termites - EurekAlert

Asexual reproduction usually leads to a lack of genetic diversity. Not for these ants. - EurekAlert

Of ants and trees: ‘Evolutionary déjà’ in the tropical rainforest - EurekAlert

Watch bees defend their nest by slapping ants with their wings

Videos Show Ants Amputating Nest Mates’ Legs to Save Their Lives

Ants can perform life saving amputations on each other, study finds

These Ants Perform Life-Saving Operations on Injured Nestmates, Similar to Humans

Ants perform limb amputations on injured comrades to save their lives

Ants amputate their nestmates’ limbs to save them from infection

Ants may be the only animal that performs surgical amputations

Determining sex in ants - EurekAlert

Caffeine and Ants: A Potential Game Changer in Pest Control

Ants learn faster on caffeine

Foraging ants navigate more efficiently when given energy-drink-like doses of caffeine

Ants in Colorado are on the move due to climate change

Homogenization Horror: Ants Are Redrawing Earth’s Biodiversity Maps

Amazing diversity of today’s ants tied to rise of flowering plants