
Antimatter, a UK dark rock band, is the solo project of longtime founding member Mick Moss.

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The most dangerous delivery truck? How a lorry-load of antimatter will help solve secrets of universe

Physicists May Have Figured Out How to Safely Transport Antimatter

Antimatter could travel by truck, a test with protons shows

Cosmic rays have surprising amounts of antimatter. Is dark matter responsible?

Illuminating Dark Matter Through Glimmers of Antimatter in Cosmic Rays

Space may be filled with more antimatter than we can explain

Glimmers of antimatter to explain the "dark" part of the universe - EurekAlert

Using antimatter to detect nuclear radiation - EurekAlert

Using antimatter to detect nuclear radiation

Matter vs. Antimatter: New CERN Experiment Challenges Conventional Physics

NASA telescope may have found antimatter annihilating in possibly the biggest explosion since the Big Bang

We may finally know what caused the biggest cosmic explosion ever seen

Freezing Positronium Atoms With Lasers To Unlock Secrets of Antimatter

Breakthrough: Positronium Cooled By Laser in a World First

Antimatter: Scientists freeze positronium atoms with lasers

Antimatter Could Unlock a Radical New Future of Interstellar Travel

Why Aren't We Made of Antimatter?

Antimatter: we cracked how gravity affects it – here's what it means for our understanding of the universe

Landmark CERN Experiment Reveals: If You Dropped Antimatter, Would It Fall Down or Up?

It's Official, Antimatter Falls Down in Gravity, Not Up