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Beyond Serotonin: Scientists Are Finally Unlocking the True Mechanism of Antidepressants

Depression, antidepressants, epigenetic age acceleration, and mortality in postmenopausal women - EurekAlert

Breaking Free From Antidepressants: Lancet Psychiatry Study Uncovers the Risks of Discontinuation Symptoms

Antidepressants: New data on prevalence of discontinuation symptoms

Antidepressants: new data on prevalence of discontinuation symptoms - EurekAlert

Does coming off antidepressants really cause withdrawal symptoms?

New understanding of how antidepressants work

Antidepressants Could Trigger Some Cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Latest research suggests 10 treatments help treatment-resistant depression: extending the original antidepressant trial, switching antidepressants, combining antidepressants, IV ketamine, intranasal ketamine, second-gen antipsychotics, ECT, rTMS, vagus nerve stimulation, and psychotherapy.

Why Antidepressants Take So Long to Work

Antidepressants Can Take Weeks to Work, And We Finally Know Why

Memory Magic: New Study Reveals Unexpected Benefits of Antidepressants

Brain Plasticity & SSRIs: Breakthrough on How Antidepressants Work – Why They Take Weeks To Kick-In

Antidepressants vs. Running: What Works Best to Beat Depression

In a survey of British antidepressant users, 70% experienced "severe withdrawal effects" when trying to stop. Only 8% reported that "services have been helpful and adequate to help me stop antidepressants." Only 3% had been told about the risk of withdrawal effects when first prescribed the drugs.

Antidepressants may reduce negative memories while improving overall memory