
In radio engineering, an antenna or aerial is the interface between radio waves propagating through space and electric currents moving in metal conductors, used with a transmitter or receiver.

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A Unique Combination of Antennas Could Revolutionize Remote Sensing

The “COSMIC” system in New Mexico is spearheading a new SETI approach, now observing up to 3000 stars per hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using a technique called `beamforming,’ COSMIC combines signals from 27 antennas to target areas of interest within the array’s field of view on the sky.

Jupiter-3 deploys solar arrays and antennas in orbit

Atomic Vapor Meets Radio Waves: The Future of Antennas?

How our cellular “antennas” affect aging

Report: U.S. military satellite antennas overdue for upgrades

Amazon's Kuiper satellite constellation will use these sleek antennas to serve you internet

Ukraine will get 10,000+ more Starlink antennas

Work begins in Western Australia on world’s largest radio astronomy observatory — More than 100,000 antennas will be built on Wajarri country, enabling astronomers to peek billions of years back to the ‘cosmic dawn’

European observatory NOEMA reaches full capacity with twelve antennas

Mitsubishi Electric Develops Technology to 3D Print Satellite Antennas in Space

3D printed satellite antennas can be made in space with help of sunlight

3D printed satellite antennas can be made in space with help of sunlight

Tiny Antennas Made from DNA Light Up Protein Activity

COSMIC: All Antennas at the Very Large Array Ready to Stream Data for Technosignature Research