
The Animals (also billed as Eric Burdon and the Animals) are an English rock band, formed in Newcastle upon Tyne in the early 1960s.

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Do Animals Think and Feel Like Us? Scientists Reveal New Clues to Their Consciousness

Gripping account of how plants and animals shaped each other

Some animals cooperate with members of other species

Study: Even after learning the right idea, humans and animals still seem to test other approaches

AI unlocks the emotional language of animals

Study: Animals Are Not Just Inhabitants of Natural World, They Are Its Architects

Even after learning the right idea, humans and animals still seem to test other approaches, study suggests

Animals as architects of the earth: first global study reveals their surprising impact - EurekAlert

What animals can teach us about the challenges of being a teen

From ants to elephants, animals play a huge role in shaping our planet

Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms - The effect of new vs. old pesticides was similar independent of which taxonomic groups (animals, plants and microorganisms) or which of their trait responses (growth, reproduction, behaviour and biomarker) were considered.

Pesticides causing widespread harm to animals and plants: study

A new book explores the evolutionary romance between plants and animals

Magnetic Sense in Animals Could Be Shockingly Close to Quantum Limits

Each roaming pet cat kills 186 animals per year and they only bring home 15% of their kills

Many animals and plants are losing their genetic diversity, making them more vulnerable

Scientists investigating the bottom of the Pacific Ocean have discovered animals living under the sea floor in an area where volcanic activity occurs.

FDA bans food dye Red 3, citing concern over cancer in some animals

Primitive “Nervous System” Found in Closest Relatives of Animals

Poop is on the menu for a surprising number of animals