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Anger and Arteries: Surprising Link Uncovered by the American Heart Association

New Research Debunks the Myth That Venting Your Anger Is Effective

After being insulted, writing down your feelings on paper then getting rid of it reduces anger

Japanese Researchers Discover Simple Trick to Reduce Anger

After being insulted, writing down your feelings on paper then getting rid of it reduces anger - EurekAlert

Venting Doesn't Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Finds

A new meta-analysis of 154 studies involving 10,000+ participants shows that what really works to reduce anger is lowering physiological arousal–turning down the heat with breathing, yoga, etc. Increasing arousal overall had no effect on anger & some activities made it worse – particularly jogging.

Anger Can Help You Meet Your Goals

Anger may have benefits after all: A series of seven studies show that anger, compared to a neutral condition ,resulted in behavior that facilitated greater goal attainment on tasks that involved challenges.