
RMS Andes was a 26,689 GRT steam turbine Royal Mail Ship, ocean liner, cruise ship, and the flagship of the Royal Mail Lines fleet.

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Wildfires in the Andes cause severe soil degradation and hinder ecosystem recovery - EurekAlert

New study unveils 16,000 years of climate history in the tropical Andes

Andes Glaciers Are The First to Shatter a Depressing Record

Glaciers in the Andes are the smallest they’ve been for 130,000 years

Anthropologists' research unveils early stone plaza in the Andes

“Waves of Extinction” – Prehistoric Poo Tells the Story of Megafauna Extinction in Colombian Andes

Scientists May Have Solved The Mystery of How The Andes Got So Big

Rare “Cosmogenic Radionuclides” Help Unlock Mysteries in the Andes

How did the Andes Mountains get so huge? A new geological research method may hold the answer

People 'finger painted' the skulls of their ancestors red in the Andes a millennium ago

The ALMA space telescope in the Chilean Andes suffered a cyberattack over the weekend that has downed its website and suspended its work, the observatory announced

Earth's crust is dripping 'like honey' into its interior under the Andes

Earth's crust is dripping 'like honey' into its interior under the Andes

Earth's crust is dripping 'like honey' into its interior under the Andes

Earth's Crust Is 'Dripping' Under The Andes, Scientists Say

Tiny mite triggers domino effect in the high Andes

Factors that shaped the massive Cauca River Canyon in the tropical Andes

Climate drove 7,000 years of dietary changes in the Central Andes

Thin glaciers suggest Andes faces 'peak water' sooner than thought

The glue lice use to attach eggs to hair is exceptional at trapping & preserving anything it encases—including high-quality ancient human DNA from the lice’s hosts. Using hair encased in lice glue scientists were able to isolate human DNA from 1,500 to 2,000-year-old mummies in the Andes Mountains