allergic reactions

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Mast cells trap and use living neutrophils during allergic reactions - EurekAlert

Mast Cells Trap Living Neutrophils During Allergic Reactions – “We Could Hardly Believe Our Eyes”

First step in allergic reactions, paving the way for new preventative strategies

Duke-NUS breakthrough discovery identifies first step in allergic reactions, paving the way for new preventative strategies - EurekAlert

The new drugs preventing allergic reactions to peanuts and other foods

New Method Prevents Allergic Reactions Without Causing Side Effects

Omalizumab, a recombinant humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody, reduces allergic reactions to multiple foods in NIH trial. This could expand the amount of different common foods that children with food allergies can safely consume without eliciting an allergic reaction.

Peanut toothpaste shows promise at preventing allergic reactions