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Your Walking Style Says a Lot About Your Health And Aging. Here's Why.

Biden Is Out—And Discussion about Aging Is on the Loose in Politics

New study reveals critical role of C1q protein in neuronal function and aging - EurekAlert

Senescent cell-derived vaccines: A new concept towards an immune response against cancer and aging? - EurekAlert

Study shows how liver damage from stress and aging might be reversible

Unveiling Telo-seq: A breakthrough in telomere research on aging and cancer

Unveiling Telo-seq: A breakthrough in telomere research on aging and cancer - EurekAlert

A new way to measure aging and disease risk with the protein aggregation clock

Exploring the link between brain topological resilience and cognitive performance in the context of aging and vascular ... - EurekAlert

Most older adults don't know about resources that can help them navigate aging & caregiving - EurekAlert

From fibrosis and cancer to obesity, Alzheimer's and aging: New paper reveals broad potential of TNIK as a therapeutic ... - EurekAlert

Unlocking Longevity – New Research Suggests That Aging Could Be Influenced by Random Changes

A new 'rule of biology' may have come to light, expanding insight into evolution and aging - EurekAlert

Reversing Aging: Exercise Rejuvenates Brain Cells

Distinct population of 'troublemaker' platelet cells appear with aging, lead to blood clotting, disease

Association of inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers and accelerated aging in cardiac catheterization patients - EurekAlert

Impact of aldehydes on DNA damage and aging - EurekAlert

Staying in School Linked to Living Longer And Slower Aging

Unlocking the Secret of Aging: Scientists Uncover Surprising Role of Long Genes

Harvard/MIT Study: Schizophrenia and Aging May Share a Common Biological Foundation