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Age-associated gene expression changes in mouse sweat glands - EurekAlert

Having more children protects parents’ brains from age-related decline

New study reveals age-related brain changes influence recovery after stroke

Money on their minds: Health-related costs top older adults' concerns for people their age, poll finds - EurekAlert

The aspirin conundrum: Navigating negative results, age, aging dynamics and equity

These jacks-of-all-trades are masters, too: Yeast study helps answer age-old biology question

Revolutionary Study Reveals Why Our Muscles Weaken With Age

Watching a video could change your attitude to rattlesnakes - though results varied by age, gender, religion and ... - EurekAlert

Can Exercise Truly Reverse Aging? New Research Shows Reduction in Age-Related Fat

Landmark study involving babies in Ireland supports use of Cystic Fibrosis drug in infants from four weeks of age - EurekAlert

Landmark study involving babies in Ireland supports use of Cystic Fibrosis drug in infants from four weeks of age

‘It’s really a horror.’ Bones from across Europe suggest Stone Age ritual killings

'God Particle' Nobel Laureate Peter Higgs Passes Away Age 94

Alarming Surge in U.S. Maternal Mortality: Age Isn’t the Culprit, New Study Reveals

Watch 'Doctor Who' visit the Victorian Era and the age of dinosaurs in new Season 14 trailer (video)

Startling Discovery: Diabetes Mortality Rises Exponentially With Age, Study Finds

Unlocking the Secrets Behind Age-Related Memory Loss

Less social with age

Age and sex associated with patient's likelihood of antimicrobial resistance

Eating Refined Carbs Reduces Your Facial Attractiveness – Regardless of BMI or Age