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Space travel may make muscles age extremely quickly

A recent scientific paper shows that fasting holds promise in effectively alleviating and improving the cognitive decline associated with age or as consequence of disease.

A Disease That Makes Children Age Rapidly Gets Closer to a Cure

A Disease That Makes Children Age Rapidly Gets Closer to a Cure

At what age do Olympic athletes peak?

At what age do Olympic athletes peak? - EurekAlert

At what age do Olympic athletes peak? - EurekAlert

An unequal toll of financial stress: Poll of older adults shows different impacts related to health and age - EurekAlert

Loneliness increases risk of age-related memory loss

Natural Compounds for Preventing Age-Related Diseases and Cancers (2024)

Improving 'health span' through slowing age-related cognitive decline - EurekAlert

A.I. Begins Ushering In an Age of Killer Robots

A bizarre video of eyeballs illustrates our pupils shrink with age

Study shows hairy skin does not become less sensitive with age - EurekAlert

Largest ever genetic study of age of puberty in girls shows links with weight gain

Unlocking the Secrets of Aging: Could Protein Clumps Predict Age-Related Diseases?

Towards a Post-neoliberal Stabilization Paradigm: Revisiting International Buffer Stocks in an Age of Overlapping Emergencies Based on the Case of Food

New 'aging atlas' provides a detailed map of how cells and tissues age

A Forgotten Prehistoric Era: Australia’s Ancient “Age of Monotremes” Unearthed

Interstitial fluid flow decreases with age, especially after 50 years (2024)