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1 in 2 Adults, 1 in 3 Kids Will Be Obese by 2050 – Can We Stop It?

Continuing vs. discontinuing opioid medications prescriptions for adults with chronic pain

Adults don't trust health care to use AI responsibly and without harm

High BP may develop at different ages and paces in East and South Asian adults in the UK

Born to heal: Why babies recover, but adults scar, after heart damage

Scientists Discover How Newborn Immune Cells Repair the Heart While Adults Scar

Nearly half of adults mistakenly think benefits of daily aspirin outweigh risks - EurekAlert

Healthful plant-based diets are negatively associated with the rate of biological aging: A national study based on US adults

Adults diagnosed with ADHD may have reduced life expectancies

Even Adults May Soon Be Vulnerable to ‘Childhood’ Diseases

Study: 6% of US adults have long COVID, and many have reduced quality of life

ADHD breakthrough study shows that medication is more effective than talking therapy and brain stimulation in treating adults with ADHD

Obesity affects a staggering 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of children in the United States. Researchers have discovered a previously unknown population of neurons in the hypothalamus that regulate food intake and could be a promising new target for obesity drugs.

Young children less likely than adults to see discrimination as harmful - EurekAlert

Adults grow new brain cells – and these neurons are key to learning by listening

Adults Grow New Brain Cells, And They Help Us Learn Through Listening

Researchers Link New Neuron Growth to Enhanced Memory and Learning in Adults

Study shows significant rise in psychotherapy use among adults, but gains are uneven across socioeconomic groups

These wild chimpanzees play as adults to better cooperate as a group

Popular Myth Busted: New Study Reveals That Adults Learn Skills Faster Than Kids