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Neuroscience Breakthrough: A Non-Invasive New Therapy for Addiction, Depression, and OCD

Grants offered for technologies addressing youth substance use disorder and addiction - EurekAlert

Hitting the target with non-invasive deep brain stimulation: Potential therapy for addiction, depression, and OCD

Hitting the target with non-invasive deep brain stimulation: Potential therapy for addiction, depression, and OCD - EurekAlert

Food, sex, drugs and more – are we addicted to addiction?

Food 'addiction' should be treated like drug abuse, claim doctors

Ozempic-Like Drugs Could Help Manage Addiction to Drugs And Alcohol

Counteracting Addiction: How Alcohol and Drugs Genetically Rewire Your Brain

Brain’s Hidden Highway: Neural Pathway Linking Motivation, Addiction and Disease

Alcohol Changes How Your Brain's Genes Work. Changing Them Back May Fight Addiction.

Our addiction to meat is killing the planet — it’s time for change