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Setting fire to a million acres of California could cut smoke by half

Malibu's Franklin Fire Explodes Over 4,000 Acres, Forcing Mass Evacuations

Over two-million acres of floodplain development occurred in U.S. in last two decades, study finds

Over two-million acres of floodplain development occurred in U.S. in last two decades, study finds - EurekAlert

National Forest Foundation Celebrates 21,000 Acres of Reforested Land

Humans converted at least 250,000 acres of estuaries to cities, farms in last 35 years

Oregon Is Now Home to the World’s Largest Dark Sky Sanctuary. The Oregon Outback International Dark Sky Sanctuary covers 2.5 million acres in the southeastern part of the state.

Along the marshy backroads of the mid-Atlantic, some 40,000 acres of dead trees spear the sky, an insidious symptom of climate change. Our latest news feature at Front Matter (the magazine of PNAS) explores efforts to map these ghost forests and what's at stake for coastal communities.