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Quick decisions in soccer enhanced by brain's ability to suppress actions

Quick decisions in soccer enhanced by brain's ability to suppress actions - EurekAlert

Turning Down the Noise Around You Improves Health in Many Ways

Satellite signals can measure a forest’s moisture—and its ability to survive

AI's ability to detect tumor cells could be key to more accurate bone cancer prognoses

Employees keep home distractions at bay by using their working memory. University of Michigan research highlights the role of working memory—an ability to hold and manipulate information simultaneously in one’s mind—as it relates to family life affecting one’s job performance.

Humans Living in Cities Are Slowly Losing Their Ability to Digest Plants

High resolution imagery advances the ability to monitor decadal changes in emperor penguin populations

Bumblebees and chimpanzees can learn skills from their peers so complicated that they could never have mastered them on their own, an ability previously thought to be unique to humans, two studies said on Wednesday

Humanity Is Dangerously Pushing Its Ability to Tolerate Heat

Sleep improves ability to recall complex events

A study suggested “the ability of CBD to reduce the formation of lipid inflammation precursors in rat cerebral cortex, as a primary event in the development of neurodegenerative diseases.”

'Cosmic time machines': how space telescopes transformed our ability to understand the universe

Study finds strongest evidence to date of brain's ability to compensate for age-related cognitive decline

New Antidepressant Could Restore The Body's Ability to Fight Cancer

How aging alters brain cells' ability to maintain memory

Screen Time Could Have a Surprising Effect on Our Children's Ability to Process Sensations

Researchers improve blood tests' ability to detect and monitor cancer

Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Caffeine Could Have a Surprising Effect on The Brain's Ability to Learn